.David shoulders the pack at the
trail start
Hiking and Mountains
16 August, 2000 - Arequipa,
and I determined to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - a four
day, 39 km trek with drastic changes in altitude through mountainside
paths verging deep gashed valleys, in and out of cloud forest, past
ancient Inca citadels and temples, to arrive at the Sun gate overlooking
the mysterious city itself. We packed light, but even so were persuaded
by Roberto our guide to hire a porter to carry a shared pack - �This
is like no other hike you have done before, are you sure you don�t
need a porter...�. Three hours on the bus culminated in a smothering
dust track and finally we arrived at Km 82, our starting point for
the trek. The group was large, 21 people, and the mix of personalities
would reveal themselves in the coming days.
were examined, logbook signed, we set out down the trail. David
sidled up to a young pretty hiker as we set out, �So, Jennifer,
that�s your name right...� Jen and Lara were from the East Coast,
friends from school, and were soon chatting away - David is unceasingly
social like a force of nature few escape. In the back of the line
I encountered the Swiss contingent, two girls and their friend,
already warming to their theme of the social inconsistencies of
the third world and the moral recitude of contributing to the environmental
pollution of the trail by participating in the hike - recognizing
the benefits of tourism for the locals, yet bitter that the establishment
would skim most of the profits... I moved up the line. Colorado
was already falling behind. Well, their names weren�t Colorado,
they were a cute, quirky husband and wife, and they had brought
50lb packs complete with their own food and supplies. It had been
cheaper to register with an agency to have the services of a guide
- but they wanted to �do� the trail. I passed Danica and Hester,
from Oregon, young twentysomethings recently in Ecuador striding
the trail packless in tank tops.
and down on the dirt trail and then to our first long hill, halfway
up Roberto called a break, we flopped into the shade of straw roofed
shacks. This was still low altitude (3000m) compared to the rest
of the trail - though a lot higher than the sea level soup of Philadelphia.
Mark and Kate promptly lit up cigarettes, he an Irish computer entrepreneur
in London, she his long-suffering mate. If there was an opportunity
for a low-brow comedic crack Mark made it, Kate rolled her eyes.
Colorado (think plural) both straggled in 15 min later, alredy falling
the top of the escarpment then down into a narrow defile and back
onto a plateu, we paused as Roberto explained the ruins of Llactapata,
�You see the circular construuuction...� Talk of imperial and pira
construction styles, 318 types of corn, 3 levels in the city, delivered
in a pausing earnest monotone that made it difficult to assimilate
the information. To lunch. I waved Miles over to join our cross-legged
crew - he is a biology teacher for boys 8-12 in a school north of
London, fresh out of university, shy at first but with a wacky sense
of humour. Dave was still on a roll, �...so Jennifer...�.

.First camp on the Inca Trail
in the dirt trail kept us going up and down, more sweating, David
and I had split the packs giving one to a porter but then I�d insisted
on carrying the other �to see if I could do it�. The whole group
was nervous about Day 2 and the infamous Dead Woman�s Pass, an unrelenting
climb up hundreds of steps to the spine of the mountain chain, 4200m
high and precious little to breathe - so the exertions on the first
day were worrisome. If I�m breathing this hard now...? Camp was
set up in a sheep pasture on a hill, we ate chips and drank overpriced
drinks sold by local villagers (llama packed in). Our tent was next
to Mena, a Japanese woman who had come with her father. It was her
first big climb, but he was a mountaineer from way back. Toche (his
nickname) was a retired metallurgist from Tokyo and had been in
Peru for a month, most recently having climbed the second highest
mountain in the country. His english was not as good as his friend
Sato, the third in the Japanese trio. Sato was a lean, good natured
septagenarian - a quick chuckler and amiable heavy accent. The elderly
men were typically quiet but so nice - I was charmed.
agency had planned well and the tour was impeccable - Roberto directed
tent placement and mats, we simply arrived and unpacked. Cocoa leaf
tea was soon hot and ready, hot dinner in the black tent, and more
chatting. For such a large group it was unusually nice - in the
words of Mark, �not an arsehole in the lot�.
up against the cold, it was a miserable night on the thin foam pad
and lumpy ground. I found three positions all of which caused some
limb to go numb after fifteen minutes. All night it was, turn, stare,
hope for sleep, look at watch, turn again. A mad rooster started
crowing at 3am - regularly. I did get some sleep in the wee hours
of the morning. I�m told I snored.
For having an equally stingy amount of sleep, David was annoyingly
cheery at our 5am wake-up. That force of nature thing. Cocoa tea
was handed into the tents by the porters. Cocoa leaves are a mild
stimulant when chewed, baggies of leaves are sold everywhere, and
most of the group stuffed in a wad for the first time after breakfast,
grimacing at the bitter taste. They purportedly would help regulate
the heart at altitude and we were all ready for whatever help was
were slung on at 7:20 and almost immediately the trail was uphill.
Up, level, up. The group slowed for a break and I pressed on at
a steady moderate pace, non-stop, like I had been taught at Kilimanjaro,
push forward keeping the weight on the hips - step, pause, step.
The trail was disconcertingly steep and Incan design meant steps.
I was breathing too hard. Changed cocoa leaves. David breezed past,
blasted marathon runner, and asked if I wanted to give up the pack
- of course not. Kept climbing steps, through the forest, steps,
past moss coated trees and trickling streams, steps. Finally a plateau
and camp, I thought I saw the top of the pass so I kept going, one
more monster climb. Even slower now, pause to eat some Power Gel,
more leaves, Jennifer went past, Toche gave me an encouraging grin
as he motored by, step/breathe, step/breathe. The top! I sat on
a tuft and unzipped the backpack, thought I�d have a snack and wait
for the others. The Swiss girls went past cheerily and disappeared.
Hmmmm. Slung the pack back on and rounded the corner... Sweet Mother
of Pearl. The final climb was desperately severe, a dizzying ascent
of pure steps. Consider for a moment, the climb to the pass was
1200m, that�s like a 300 storey office building - sling on a pack
and climb 4800 steps in three hours, at altitude. The last climb
was embarrasingly slow, ten steps then rest. I was trying not to
hyperventilate since the guidebook was very particular about the
need to take long deep breaths but I couldn�t stop gasping, my heart
pounding triple time. Bit by bit I gained till finally I was up.

.Michael scampers up Dead Woman's
of hikers had clustered in their groups at the top and I joined
the half dozen from my team that were already up. As hikers rounded
the corner hundreds of feet below a cheer would go up from their
group, and they would look up wearily, climb a few more steps, then
stop and lean against the hill. A Swiss family had joined our group
with two young boys, Michael (6) and Patrick (9). Knowing how strenuous
the hike would be, we�d wondered about having the two boys in the
group. But only twenty minutes after I reached the top, Michael
rounded the corner, bouncing up the stairs in front of Roberto our
guide - a big cheer went up from the crowd - Michael smiled and
waved. Twenty minutes later Patrick arrived with his Dad. Mark struggled
up breathlessly and seeing Michael seated with group muttered with
Irish grace, �good god, I�ve been beaten up the mountain by a 6
year old lad�.
took two more hours for most of the whole group to assemble at the
top. We went down the backside of the pass to a nearby valley for
lunch - sprawled lifelessly on the ground, we composed inspirational
songs... �Colorado, why don�t you come to your senses, you�ve been
out riding fences, for so long... you need a porter, on this Inca
trail, you gotta let somebody help you, before you die young�. Word
passed that Colorado had hired a porter, and finally there they
were - three hours late but finally over the pass and down to the
lunch site. We�d all made it. In the triumphs and strain we were
becoming quite a tight group.

.Roberto and a history lesson of
the empire
forced us down the trail quickly to camp and the sanctuary of our
tents. There was a real bathroom that flushed! though still no toilet
seat or paper. Cold and tired, we squatted in the dinner tent for
soup, rice and chicken. David and I played cards with Jennifer and
Lara in our tent afterwards but we were so tired it didn�t last
long. David and I crawled into our bags and we laid there hoping
for sleep. He turned his head and chuckled, �You know my mom was
giving me a hard time about going on these trips, she said I�d never
meet a nice Jewish girl on some mountain. And guess what, Jennifer
is smart, cute... and Jewish.� We had a laugh. You never know. �So
you�re interested�, I asked. �Yeah, I really think so�, said David,
�the question is, what is the strategy�. We set to planning.
Another couple hours of pitiful sleep. Though supposedly an easy
day, we set off vertically almost at once, 500m up to a ruin of
�circular construuuction�. Up to a wind whipped pass and down again
- another ruin. Patrick demonstrated his talent show winning �Mambo
No. 5� impression. Down the mountain on the stone paved trail and
up again to lunch.

.Through the cloud forest
are so named because of their elevation - similar density of species
and vegetation to the rainforest, but they exist because of a freak
of topography and climate. The high mountains trap moist air and
despite the altitude create a temperate zone on the deep valley
walls, almost constantly watered. The Inca trail wound along the
valley walls through dripping vegetation that I�d only ever seen
in zoo exhibits before. Giant mossy sedges in deep red and green,
like coral reefs, with delicate ivory tendrils clinging. Original
stone paved trail, damp with humid air, winding through bamboo groves,
natural rock tunnels, under pattering waterfalls. I took deep breaths
of liquid air, damp and mossy, alive with vagaried scents. Toche
and Mena walked with me for awhile but gradually pulled away as
I stopped again and again - I'm taking more pictures than a Japanese
tourist I grinned to myself. It was a highlight of the trail.
and Patrick were determined to beat everyone to next camp, so David
and I set off with them at a dead run after the last stop. After
a couple hours down stairs and steep turns they slowed, we walked
and chatted, I held Michael�s hand. �Why are you telling me where
to step like a doggie?� he asked at one point. �Well I want to make
sure you don�t fall down�. A few minutes later he slipped and would
have fallen but for my hand. No arguing after that. The four of
us made it down to camp first and they had orange pop waiting for
the rest of the group. Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like
married, with kids. Those two mop-headed kids gave me a glow coming
down the mountain. You never know.
third camp was even more crowded, it included the two-day hikers.
The group was loud and sentimental at dinner. I�d picked up a stomach
bug so I stayed up late in the warm dining hall huddled in a chair
unwilling to face the cold and the dark climb down to the tent.
Around midnight I had to make an emergency dash to the privy and
ran into David and Jennifer coming back from their own personal
night tour of the ruin. Interesting.

.The whole crew - at Machu Pichu
Up at 4am for a quick breakfast so we could make the final hike
and see the sun rise on Machu Picchu. A long line of hikers wound
around the stone trail - of the thousand visitors a day to the city
it seemed like 400 of them were on the trail. Just before the Sun
Gate there is are 50 almost vertical steps, a great defensive position
but an exhausting final hurdle. Then at the top, wow. The city is
far below, perched on the knife edge of a mountain jut, impressively
complete with terraces down to the vertical cliff sides. Until the
government built a curving road up the sheer cliff, there was no
other way to reach the mountain city except by the Inca trail. We
descended a kilometer down the mountain flank to the city. Temples,
houses, a maze of alleys and rooms. Level after level, Roberto telling
us about the culture and history. I was fading fast, too little
sleep, we were all too tired. Mark farted and it took ten minutes
for us to regain our composure. Poor Roberto, he wanted so much
for us to understand the details, we were just too beat. As we filed
out of the city Mark and Kate nudged me and winked - David and Jennifer
were holding hands.

.Patrick and Michael
by piece the group had to come apart. The Swiss family were staying
at the hotel in Machu Pichu - I ruffled Michael�s hair goodbye,
Patrick grinned. Winding down the switchback road to the valley,
we dove down in elevation to Aguas Calientes. Lunch in a local restaurant
- I kept forcing pizza on Sato till he laughed. Toche, Mare, and
Sato were staying in town below Machu Pichu - they would go up again
the next day for one last look. Now fewer, we all jogged with backpacks
to catch the train back to Cusco. Two hours on the rails and another
three by bus. By the time we arrived in town I was shattered. Goodbye
Colorado, other quick goodbyes, and a jog to the hostel, teeth chattering.
I went to bed for 14 hours.

.Arequipa's beautiful white stone

.Floating islands of Lake Titicaca |
trip after the Inca trail was in more bite sized pieces. A day in
Cusco to recover, scrape 4 days of unshowered grime off, get laundry
done. Mark, Kate, Miles, Jennifer, David, and I had dinner then
next evening and laughed till very late. Promises to visit. Miles
joined Jennifer and Lara to travel with us to Lake Titicaca - floating
reed islands, six hours of slow chugging around the lake. Jen and
Lara continued with us on the 12 hour night bus to Arequipa, Peru�s
second largest city. The most beautiful stately town yet. Great
restaurants and white lava block buildings.


.Vertical on the lower slopes |
El Misti
We signed up for a two day ascent of El Misti, a volcano that
towers over the city (5822m). It didn�t look that big, but I should
have done the math - the mountain was almost as high as Kilimanjaro.
We climbed from the base (3000m) to the first camp (4200m). The
appeal of the mountain is it�s pure conical shape, an ascent is
relatively straight forward, unrelentingly up.
was freezing and the four of us slept head to feet in a small tent,
huddled against the cold. Wind whipped to a shriek in the night
and tore half the tent fly loose. The next morning, bundled in layers
with hats and gloves, and a full chaw of cocoa leaves we continued
the ascent. For six hours we ground up the scree slope, criss crossing.
One by one, David, Jennifer, and I became dizzy and nauseous. Glucose
and water kept us going. I recognized that feeling again from Kili,
when there is nothing but exhaustion and pain, motions are automatic,
only determination to keep you going as the air gets thinner and
thinner and your heart is beating as though it would burst out your
mouth. We made the summit. The descent was a thing of beauty though.

.Night camp on the mountain flank

Misti - summit

.Sunrise - two hours into final ascent |
volcanic scree is made of fine rocks and extends all the way down
to camp one - so we descended like skiers, pumping our legs in a
controlled slide down the 60 degree slope. Six hours of agony up
- 45min back to camp. Lara had waited for us so we told war stories
while we packed, ate a bit, and headed with our guide down the second
scree. After several thousand feet of descent the scree turned to
fine pure grey sand with hillocks of grass. As we plunged down into
the thicker air, energy returned, and I grinned at David and raced
down through the sand and soared off a hillock. With a 60 degree
slope a good sized jump will take you a long way, there were several
seconds of pure flight before I landed shin deep and cartwheeled
into the drift. David faceplanted after doing a 360 off a hillock.
We got to the bottom of the mountain covered in sand with pearly
grins. The radio in the guide�s truck was tuned to an oldies station
playing nothing but Streisand and the Bee Gees during the two hour
ride back into town. The girls sang, the guys grinned through the
sand, we were tired but happy back at the hotel.

.Courtyard of the nunnery
Fine food and sleeping in have made me love this town. I haven't
told you about the old nunnery over a hundred years old that is
a city within this city whose narrow streets and halls are so beautiful
that photographers stay all day to play with light and angles. Or
the Plaza de Armas with its stately plaza of white two storied shops
that border the magnificent cathedrals. But this e-mail is already
too long. I hope you enjoy the read. Off to Rio tomorrow for a whole
new set of experiences.